Friday, March 29, 2013

Time to Get Hired!

Make FACEBOOK work for you (pt 2).

Start by making your own network aware that you are looking for a new JOB. All this requires is a status update in which you mention that you are looking for work and would love to e-mail your CV to anybody who is interested.

You can also set up your own page on, e.g. post the link in facebook - preferably with a message to recipients  that they are more than welcome to forward the link to others in their networks.This is a quick and effective way of spreading the message.

A second, more strategic way to use FACEBOOK is to find insiders - friends who work at the companies in which you're interested. Find contacts that work in the company or maybe know someone who does, and then take steps to contact them. Ask about the working conditions, what qualities are prized by the company , and whether she/he might be able to put in a good word for you.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Make FACEBOOK work for you.

Social media are here to stay and they have become a good way of keeping track of family, friends, colleagues, business partners and others in your network.

You may have already a solid network of friends and acquaintances on FACEBOOK. Remember that everyone in your network has his or her own network, of which you are a small part. Most people have more than 100 Facebook friends. This means that you are one step removed from 10,000 potential contacts. You should make use of this fact. This can be done in several ways.
But before you start, avoid suspicious types. Don't display photos where you look drunk, where you are partially undressed or at some wild party or event. Be aware of what groups you join, and what they say about you. Ask yourself what impression you want to give to a potential employer, and what they'd think of you if they looked you up on FACEBOOK.

(This is also a matter of you protecting yourself and your personal life).

In the future days we will post the steps one by one to make your FACEBOOK work for you. Stay tuned. Leave a comment below if you have any questions.

Klajd & Stella.

Sa perqind te trurit perdorin njerezit?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Poor or Broke?

Broke Vs. Poor

(True story) 
When I was growing up, my next-door-neighbor was a single mom who supported herself with her writing. Needless to say, she did not have issues of where to invest all that excess income.
One thing she used to say, which stuck in my mind was:
“I’m not poor, I’m just always broke.”
I remember being a little confused with this. Weren’t poor and broke the same thing? I just didn’t get it.
Now that I’m a certified grown-up, I think I understand what she was getting at.
To describe oneself as poor is to accept a place in a lower strata. To believe that there is a distinction between the classes, and you’re simply stuck at the bottom. It’s who you are, and there’s no way out. The long term view.
To be broke, means you have no money, but it’s a temporary situation. You’re just one good writing assignment away from financial stability. You may have an empty bank account now, but flush times are just around the corner.
Is there a real difference between poor and broke?
Of course not.
I’m not suggesting that poverty isn’t a valid and real existence for millions of people the world over.
But it sure is more satisfying to be frugal because you’re broke, rather than because you’re poor.
And I’ve certainly been broke in my life, but I sure as hell have never been poor.
Have you ever refused to take money saving measures because you didn’t want to be perceived as poor? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What about money?

History of money shows us that it is a medium of exchange for trade. It can be a medium of exchange because it has a clear value that is trusted by everyone. 

Money is also a way to store value for the future. So, for example, we can save up our money to buy something expensive in the future. 

Finally, money is also a unit of account. It can be counted easily and it enables a clear value to be given to goods. 

The history of money


Many thousands of years ago, our European ancestors lived as hunters and farmers. 

Stone axe from 
the Stone Age
Metals had not been discovered, so they hunted and farmed with stone tools – this time was known as theStone Age. Stone Age men and women did not have the banknotes and coins that we use today. Instead, they would exchange goods with each other: for example, a hunter could exchange animal skins with a farmer for grain, or a fisherman could exchange decorative seashells for a polished stone axe with a hunter. This exchange is known as barter. An important feature of barter is that it involves the exchange of goods that have value.

A medium for exchange

When our ancestors learned how to make metals then exchanges became easier.

Silver nugget

This is because metals, such as gold silver, tin and iron, were valuable to everyone. So, a farmer could barter his cattle for a certain weight of silver, then later, the farmer could use some of this silver to pay his taxes. In this way, valuable metals and other objects became a 'measure of value', a 'medium of exchange' and a way to 'store value' until it is needed.

The first coins

Around 2600 years ago, the first coins were made in Asia Minor. 

Ancient Greek coin

The ancient Greeks quickly adopted this new idea and started producing silver and bronze coins, for example the silver drachma. These early coins contained a specified weight of metal with a certain value. And to guarantee this weight, the coins were stamped with a seal by the king or city or country that issued them. 

Coins were convenient because they could be counted rather than weighed. Because these new coins were a trusted and efficient 'medium of exchange' they helped greatly increase trade in the ancient world.

The first European currencies

To guarantee the value of coins, kings and governments strictly controlled their production.

Denarius depicting 
Juno Moneta

In ancient Rome, coin production was done in the temple of Juno Moneta – which is where the word 'money' comes from. 

Later, as the Roman Empire expanded, other mints were opened and the same roman coins were accepted for exchange all across Europe, from the British Isles to Turkey – the first pan-European currency. 

Later, as the Roman Empire broke up and the nations of Europe began to appear, each country kept control of its own coinage. 

Roman temple
It was from these European nations that we inherited the many coins and currencies that existed before the euro. These were often named after units of measure, such as the Italian lira and the Finnish markka, because the coins originally contained a fixed amount of gold and silver. 

A problem with many currencies is that, depending on the success of individual economies, the exchange rate between the currencies can vary a lot – this makes trade between countries a risky business, so it is discouraged.

20th century currencies in Europe

Before the euro was introduced most European countries had their own coins and banknotes – their own currency.

For travel and trade, it was necessary to change money as you changed country. In Germany you paid in Deutschmarks, if you left Germany and travelled to France you had to exchange your Deutschmarks for French Francs, and so on. 

The names of Europe's old currencies often revealed something about their origins:
  • The schilling, used in Austria, was named after a mark on a stick used for counting.
  • The tolar used in Slovenia comes from the medieval coin, the thaler, first minted in the Czech Republic in 1518 – the name 'thaler' is the origin of the term 'dollar' in the USA.
  • The name of the Greek drachma means 'handful' and refers to a handful of six metal bars that were used as currency before the drachma was introduced in ancient Greece.
  • The franc, meaning 'free' in French, was first minted in the 14th century to pay the ransom for the French King John the Good.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Parazitizmi i RINISE shqipetare dhe KURA per te.

Jeni te lodhur nga rutina e perditshme dhe jofitimprurese? Harxhoni shumicen e kohes duke lustruar idete e vjetra, pa tentuar te futeni me thelle aftesive tuaja te lindura?
Nuk ndjeheni vetvetja ne vendet e punes ku jeni, doni me shume per te ardhmen tuaj?
Fillim i mire! Qe te mundesoni dhe te beni reale qe parate tuaja te punojne per ju, dhe jo e anasjellta,te konsideroni aftesite tuaja ne zhvillim, filloni qe sot!
Shume e thjeshte. Career Key ju vjen ne ndihme me hapa te thjeshte dhe funksionale qe te realizoni, hap pas hapi , dhe te ndertoni karrieren tuaj duke e filluar cdo gje nga e para.
hapi 1- Njihni veten, fuqite tuaja, cfare jeni i afte te realizoni natyrshem.
       2- Mesoni ti vini ne pune aftesite tuaja te lindura, sepse ato do ju sjellin fitimet me te medha
       3- Ndertoni shtyllat e biznesit tuaj duke filluar nga ajo qe jeni i afte te beni
       4- Njihni tregun e punes dhe se si ''do i shisni'' aftesite tuaja te fituara dhe te lundura, ne menyre qe tju                                      sjellin fitimet qe deshironi.

Se shpejti, per here te pare ne Shqiperi, oganizohet nje seminar i nje formati te ri, me te rinjte dhe punesimin e tyre. Ju sugjerojme te merrni pjese !

Per me teper vizitoni :
Nqse jeni te interesuar lini komentet dhe mendimet tuaja.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Career Key: Zhvillimi i karrieres

Career Key: Zhvillimi i karrieres: Disa here ne e komplikojme dhe e veshtiresojme me shume se cduhet zhvillimin e karrieres.  Nese dhe ti ben pjese te ky grup njerezish, ash...

Zhvillimi i karrieres

Disa here ne e komplikojme dhe e veshtiresojme me shume se cduhet zhvillimin e karrieres.  Nese dhe ti ben pjese te ky grup njerezish, ashtu si une, qe jemi te prirur te mendojme dhe mbi analizojme jetën tone,mund të zhytemi në pavendosmëri dhe mosveprim për një kohë të gjatë. Ashtu si zvarritja, dhe mosveprimi ushqen stresin. Keshtu qe beni nje plan karriere dhe filloni zbatimin e tij qe sot.
Solla ne vemendje keto dy tema, pavendosmeria ne karriere dhe zhvillimi i karrieres sepse jane disa nga pikat qe bejne kureshtar shume njerez
Unë nuk jam duke sugjeruar te shkurtoj procesin tuaj të zgjedhjes se karrierës apo vlerësimin mundësitë tuaja të karrierës. Por në disa pika ju duhet të bëni një plan, dhe ajo mund tju habise ju per synimet afatshkurtra dhe afatgjata qe keni - ato që duhen planifikuar për ti arritur.
Unë rekomandoj ndjekjen e këtyre hapave,sepse jane  provuar të jenë efektive:
1- Zgjidhni një karrierë që përputhet me personalitetin tuaj. Ju do të shihni qe ka 3 hapa: Njihni veten, njihuni me opsionet, merrni nje vendim.
2- Nëse jeni në shkollë, zgjidhni një program edukativ, një program të madh apo që përputhet me personalitetin tuaj. Një studim i kohëve të fundit në  ''Journal of Vocational Behavior''  keshillon te beni zgjedhjen qe do merrni nota me te mira, dhe nje diplome te kualifikuar.
3- Beni mirëmbajtjen e vazhdueshme të karrierës qe të jeni të suksesshem. A merreni me stervitje apo i lyeni floket rregullisht? A jeni duke u kujdesur për zhvillimin e karrierës tuaj me entuziazmin e njëjtë?
Nuk keni nevoje te fiksoheni në zhvillimin e karrierës çdo ditë - por përfshijini këto parime në jetën tuaj dhe suksesi e kontrolli mbi karrierën tuaj do të rrjedhin natyrshem.